Welch PR
Welch PR Effective communications for the legal sector

Effective communications

for professional services


Law firm mergers: how to get the PR right 

Law firm mergers: how to get the PR right 

The consolidation of the legal market shows no signs of abating with the Law Society Gazette reporting on numerous law firm mergers and acquisitions across the country this spring. Even more recently, my old firm Allen & Overy announced that it is joining forces...

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How PR will help your law firm in the war for talent

How PR will help your law firm in the war for talent

PwC’s annual law firm survey for 2022 found that shortage of talent was one of law firms’ top concerns. In fact, 88% of the top 100 UK firms said they were concerned that a shortage of talent would stop them meeting their ambitions.   Shortage of talent impacts law...

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How to write a Christmas message to staff

How to write a Christmas message to staff

2022 has been a bit of a rollercoaster for all of us. On the upside, the country shook off the lockdown restrictions of the last two years but we also witnessed a war in Ukraine, the death of our longest serving monarch and political turmoil which saw three Prime...

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Top tips for getting a broadcast interview right 

Top tips for getting a broadcast interview right 

In recent weeks politicians have provided some painful examples of how NOT to do it when speaking to the media (you all know who I mean!). While professional presenters might make it look easy (it is their job after all), it really isn’t and for the vast majority of...

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Five magic PR ideas for law firms this Halloween

Five magic PR ideas for law firms this Halloween

While we wait to see whether the full financial statement will go ahead next Monday, it was inevitable that the press (and others) would have a field day when the Budget date was originally set for Halloween with the inevitable horror headlines ensuing: “Economic...

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How to generate five star reviews for your law firm

How to generate five star reviews for your law firm

It sometimes seems like we can’t move without being told a business “values our feedback” or we are asked to “rate the service you received today” or directed to “review us online”. If I didn’t know better, I might assume there was a collective crisis of confidence...

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When should start-ups embark on PR?

When should start-ups embark on PR?

Founders of start-ups might be forgiven for regarding PR as something of a luxury purchase, a service afforded only by larger, established businesses. In the early days of getting up and running, this might look like a “nice to have” for which the budget is just not...

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Why lawyers need to build their own personal brand

Why lawyers need to build their own personal brand

In the legal sector, where the introvert personality type tends to proliferate, the idea of building a personal brand makes many lawyers shudder. Many of us Brits are reluctant to blow our own trumpets and feel uncomfortable when the spotlight is on us; self-promotion...

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Top tips for successful networking

Top tips for successful networking

The key point of networking is to expand your horizons by meeting people you may like and may work with in future. Few people do it well and most hate the concept.   Having spent my life and career enjoying networking, I am still learning about it from daily...

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07813 917980